
About Us


Executive Principles is a boutique management consulting firm carved out from EAL Search, the India subsidiary of the Executive Access Group, Hong Kong. Founded in 1988, Executive Access is Asia’s leading Executive Search firm specializing in Banking and Financial Services


  • Over 30 years of focus on Building Winning Leadership Teams
  • Our Access to the large, global candidate pool is unparalleled. THE DATABASE KNOWS US!
  • Deep market insights and information arbitrage.


  • Networks built over 30 years of successfully creating leaders and building businesses.
  • Proven Track Record in hiring across Private Equity, Investment Banking, Asset Management and Non-Banking Financial Institutions

Guiding Principles


We are always on our toes. Clients like to partner with us because we deliver better than we promise. Timelines are very important for us. Our ability and experience to understand the uniqueness of each mandate, helps us approach the right pool of candidates, and our process to keep track of the right candidates, makes it doubly sure that we are always ahead of time. Our firm’s whole orientation is to think quick and act quick. We respect the fact that, a day lost is an opportunity lost, for us, but more importantly also for our client.


Information is the key to success and we have it on our finger tips. Thanks to our intense focus on meeting people. Meeting candidates is sacrosanct for all us at the EPG, and we do it religiously. There cannot be a better information source than a prospective candidate. More importantly, we have a database system that captures it so well that we are able to retrieve it rapidly. Clients love us for the inputs we bring in, not only about the task we are hired for, but also for the insights across the business channel.


We are equally sensitive to both the important pillars our business, the client and the candidate. We have deep respect towards our candidates and strive to maintain the faith they put in us. At the same time, we are equally sensitive to the various internal matters we are exposed to with our clients. We are proud to have an unblemished record in maintaining extreme confidentiality in all aspects of our business. We exactly know what to absorb and what to disclose. Each one of us understands and values the trust bestowed on us.


We are proud of ourselves for creating a systematic and highly process driven approach to the seemingly wayward world of hiring. We have learnt from every mandate we have executed, and these years of learning have helped us derive an unmatched process which ensures success from the word go. Our process driven approach helps us stick to our timelines. Process orientation has helped us achieve, where others have failed. It is now a religion to us, to follow every step to the hilt, and this has to a far more conviction in everything we do.